Growing Up in New Zealand is this country's largest contemporary longitudinal study, tracking the development of more than 6,000 Aotearoa New Zealand children born in 2009 and 2010 and their whānau. This study provides unique insight into what it's like to grow up as a child in the complex world of 21st century New Zealand.
The NIE Coalition is working with the GUINZ team to learn more about the neurodiverse children in this study, with a range of research projects being planned. This will be ground-breaking research in NZ. If you are interested in supporting it, please get in touch at hello@nzcge.co.nz.
In an initial output, 15% of 8 year old participants were identified as neurodivergent. Already at 8, the neurodiverse group has significantly higher depression and anxiety and lower school satisfaction and quality of life scores than neurotypcial children.

"I thought that it was me that was the problem. I thought that I mustn’t be trying hard enough, when really I just needed different help."
- One of our Young Neurodiversity Champions