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How MindPlus Made A Difference for Sam
In 2021, our MindPlus teachers shared powerful stories about how the programme changed their students' lives.
MindPlus - Stories of Impact From Parents
Our parents share the impact of MindPlus for them and their child.
🎉 MindPlus Impact Surveys 2021-23: The Results Are In!
🚀 Our 2021-2023 Impact Surveys confirm it—MindPlus is making a real difference for gifted and neurodivergent students and their programmes.
MindPlus - Stories of Impact From Teachers
Our teachers share the impact of MindPlus for two gifted ākonga.
A broken system: Report says education system failing
Listen to Dr Nina Hood and Dane Dougan discuss the latest education report in regard to our neurodivergent young people here
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